The Benefits of Regular Physical Activity on Hearing in Visually Impaired Adolescents

Serap Yildirim 1, Ramazan Yuksel 2 * , Songul Doganay 1, Mustafa Gul 1, Fatih Bingol 3, Senol Dane 4
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1 Department of Physiology, Medical School, Ataturk University, Erzurum, Turkey
2 Department of Physiology, Medical School, Yildirim Beyazit University, Ankara, Turkey
3 Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Erzurum Regional Training and Research Hospital, Erzurum, Turkey
4 Department of Physiology, Medical School, Turgut Ozal University Ankara, Turkey
* Corresponding Author
EUR J BASIC MED SCI, Volume 3, Issue 1, pp. 17-21.
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The aim of this study was to investigate the possible beneficial effects of regular physical activity on auditory reaction time and the duration of hearing in congenital visually impaired adolescents by examining some auditory performances involving perception and motor components. Forty visually impaired and 30 sighted-control adolescents, 10 to 22 years old (14.04 ± 2.77) participated in the study. All 40 visually impaired adolescents, 13 were goalball players and 27 were sedentary. To measure the duration of hearing, an index of auditory acuity, a tuning fork of 256 Hz, and a digital chronometer were used. Auditory reaction time (msec.) was longer in visually impaired adolescents compared to sighted controls for both right and left-hands (right: t=3.95, p=0.00; left: t=3.66, p=0.00). The visually impaired adolescents had the increased reaction time and the decreased duration of hearing, or disadvantages for both auditory reaction time and duration of hearing. Auditory reaction speed and duration of hearing was decreased in sedentary visually impaired adolescents than in visually impaired goalball players. These results suggest that playing goalball designed for the blind is very beneficial to decrease their neuropsychological and developmental problems.


Yildirim S, Yuksel R, Doganay S, Gul M, Bingol F, Dane S. The Benefits of Regular Physical Activity on Hearing in Visually Impaired Adolescents. Eur J Basic Med Sci. 2013;3(1):17-21.


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